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Sybari Makes the Grade in the Detection and Disinfection of Viruses in the Education Market

Monday, May 7, 2001 1:00 PM
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Colleges and Universities Rely On Antigen for Pre-Emptive E-Mail Protection for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino Servers

E.NORTHPORT, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--May 7, 2001--Sybari Software, Inc., the premier developers of Antigen, a comprehensive anti-virus, content-management, and security solution for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino/Notes environments, today announced a boost in the education market.

A growing number of colleges and universities are taking action and setting policy to protect against the growing threat of Internet and e-mail borne viruses. Sybari`s best of breed server-level anti-virus and security technology, Antigen, is being widely installed to provide high-performance anti-virus protection for educational institutions` groupware servers.

E-mail is the prime form of communication within educational institutions. Indiana University, for example, provides e-mail services to over 110,000 users. This includes approximately 30,000 Exchange mailboxes, which comprise the primary messaging environment for university administration and faculty.

''With the advent of worms such as ''Melissa'' and ''I Love You'', we chose Sybari Antigen as a highly effective way to protect our large Global Address List, thereby further ensuring uptime,'' said Rick Jackson, manager, messaging team, University Information Technology Services at Indiana University. ''Antigen`s ability to perform real-time scanning and block files by name, extension, or wild card delivered the feature set we mandated to protect our Microsoft Exchange environment. Antigen`s seamless integration with Exchange further underlined Sybari`s strength in their deep understanding of groupware platforms, making Antigen our choice solution.''

Education workers send a surplus of data via email, from student records to departmental information. With the majority of students using their educational networks to access personal e-mail accounts, it is critical that a robust anti-virus solution be in place. Point solutions, which sit on the desktop, are no longer enough protection, especially in an environment where students have the ability to receive e-mail from outside sources. Network and Mail administrators realize this and are moving to specialized groupware solutions such as Antigen.

''I researched Antigen and was immediately enticed by the ability to scan all Internet e-mail in real-time and the ability to filter (beyond what the virus signature knows) the manual scans and all internal mail being scanned in real-time,'' said Ry M. Salinas, network administrator for the Florida Education Association. ''It`s comprehensive- it would be dumb not to use it! Should a virus come out before the signature can be updated, we have no worries. We use Antigen`s file-filter technology and laugh as viruses are repelled time and again.''

Antigen has been awarded best-of-breed status for its unique scanning technology that accesses, scans, and manages incoming and outgoing e-mail--before it ever reaches sensitive parts of the groupware network. Antigen literally stops data corruption problems before they happen, and unlike other groupware products, it scans in memory, reducing the burden on your network and improving overall performance. The unmatched technology in Antigen makes it the most robust and reliable solution on the market for both Microsoft Exchange
and Lotus Domino servers.

''Our sales to colleges and universities have doubled in 2000, which led us to put forth an aggressive program specifically designed for the Education Market,'' said Rocco Donnino, vice president of sales for Sybari Software, Inc. ''We recognized the education market`s need for high performance groupware security and are meeting it with Antigen.''

Realizing the demand in the education market, Sybari offers custom sales and support programs for educational institutions. This initiative, which includes educational discounts and support options, further exemplifies Sybari`s commitment to the market and to providing leading groupware anti-virus and security solutions through targeted purchasing programs and services.

Many of today`s leading educational institutions have already exercised this price structure and support plan by implementing Sybari`s Antigen into their groupware environments, including: Boston University, Brooklyn College, Babcock Graduate School of Management, Chatham College, Dakota State University, Fordham University, Fort Lewis College, State University of New York (SUNY) - Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) - Binghamton, Texas Tech University, UAB - Cancer Center, UCLA Healthcare, University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Alabama at Birmingham ITS, University of Alabama Systems, University of Arizona, University of California - San Diego, University of Colorado, Michigan State University, University of Michigan, University of Missouri, University of Northern Colorado, University of Otago, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, University of Washington, Monroe Community College, Bothell University, University of Wisconsin, University System of New Hampshire, Virginia Military Institute, Metropolitan Community College, University of New Orleans, Tarrant County College, UCLA Medical Center Accounting, University of Connecticut Foundation, National Council of University Research Administration, Chesapeake College, Bridgewater State College, Corning Community College, John Wood Community College, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Indiana University, University of North Florida, Keene State College, Nashville State Technical Institute, University of Illinois, University of Tennessee Medical Group, University of Connecticut, Montana State University - Bozeman, Columbus College of Art & Design, University of Kansas, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center, Camosun College, Royal Roads University in BC, University of Denver - College of Law.

For more information on Sybari`s Educational Program and Antigen`s robust features, please visit Sybari`s website at or send an e-mail to [email protected].


Antigen 6 for Microsoft Exchange is currently shipping. Antigen 6 for Lotus Domino is currently in beta and set for release Q2. Antigen is available as a two-year renewable license based on the number of users protected within an organization. Pricing is discounted by volume with a per user range of $ 27.50-$ 7.50 per user. Sybari offers additional pricing and support options as ''trade-up'' pricing for products from vendors such as Network Associates (NASDAQ:NETA), Symantec (NASDAQ:SYMC), and Trend Micro (NASDAQ:TMIC). For more information on Antigen and its more complex features, please visit the Sybari website at or send an email to [email protected], mailto:[email protected].


Since 1995, Sybari has the led the market in providing innovative solutions for groupware-based viruses and security threats. Today, over 4.5 million seats of Microsoft Exchange/Outlook and Lotus Domino/Notes are virus-free as a direct result of Sybari`s Antigen technology. Sybari`s Antigen goes unsurpassed in providing protection of corporate messaging environments. Antigen`s unique architecture institutes a preemptive line of defense from viruses and malicious code. Antigen for Microsoft Exchange and Antigen for Lotus Domino are distributed in more than 50 countries through their worldwide offices and distribution network. Sybari is headquartered in E.Northport, New York with its International headquarters in Madrid, Spain. Sybari`s clients include IBM, Dell, Compaq, Merrill Lynch, JD Power,, Nortel, Visa, Tosco, Lufthansa, US Federal Government, Union Pacific, Getronics, Target, Mayo Foundation, Eastman Chemical, Con Edison, Sony, Texaco, Cable & Wireless, and Deloitte & Touche. Evaluation copies of Antigen for Notes or Exchange are available for download from the Sybari Web site3/4 Sybari`s many strategic partners include Lotus Development (NYSE:IBM), Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Computer Associates (NYSE:CA), Compaq (NYSE:CPQ), and Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW).

Other products and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Source: Sybari Software, Inc.

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