Teachers, Lawyers, and Undergraduates Spending Summer Studying Here and Around the World
SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Apr 16, 2002--Teachers, lawyers, and undergraduate students from around the Bay Area will be taking classes again this summer at Santa Clara University. The University this week announced a range of revised and renewed programs, with registration opening this week for all on-campus undergraduate courses.
The biggest program at SCU, for undergraduate students, offers more than 140 courses in virtually every department on campus. Approximately 1,000 SCU undergraduates and another 250 students from other colleges and universities were enrolled in summer school courses at the Santa Clara campus last summer.
Two of the most popular undergraduate courses this summer allow students to complete a full year of organic chemistry or physics in just nine weeks. New courses include special three- and five-week basic photography courses, modern dance, and ``endangered ecosystems.``
New on-line registration, plus telephone registration at 408/554-2300, for SCU students opened this week, and mail-in registration for non-SCU students begins April 22, with a deadline of May 31. For information, call 408/554-4833, email [email protected], or see www.scu.edu/summer. Walk-in registration is available June 3-14.
The Jesuit, Catholic university also again offers a summer program for high school students who have completed their junior or senior years and who are interested in undertaking college-level course work. High school counselors received information last month; for information, call 408/554-4833. The application deadline for high school students is May 6.
Undergraduate students and law students will be studying abroad this summer in SCU programs around the world. The University`s Summer Study Abroad program continues its programs in England, Italy, and Cuba, and this year added a Paris program.
SCU law students have already signed up for programs in SCU`s Institute of International and Comparative Law, which has programs this year in Asia in Bangkok, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo; in Europe in Geneva, Munich, Oxford, and Strasbourg.
The SCU law school is still accepting applications for its eighth annual High Tech Law summer session May 28-July 16 offering 11 course for law students and lawyers, plus one special course for non-lawyers in intellectual property law. The SCU intellectual property law program is ranked in the top 10 in the country. Registrations will be accepted until the first day of the session. For more information call 408/551-1868, or obtain an on-line registration form at www.scu.edu/hightechlaw.
In the education department at SCU, 2002 features a special Summer Institute for Middle School Educators, called ``Spotlight on the Middle,`` June 24-28.
The focus of the institute is to provide practical, proven activities that work in public- and private-school classrooms, with nationally and locally known education experts. To register call 408/554-6801, with an early-bird registration deadline of May 1.
Teachers also will get a chance to go to ``camp`` this summer -- ethics camp -- learning about character-based education in four separate four-day sessions presented by SCU`s Markkula Center for Applied Ethics in July. For information, call 408/551-7049, or see www.scu.edu/SCU/Centers/Ethics/practicing/events/sponsored/ethicscamp/homepage.h
tml (Due to the length of this URL, it may be necessary to copy and paste this hyperlink into your Internet browser`s URL address field).
Roman Catholic priests, women religious and lay people will be attending two three-week daytime sessions or one six-week evening session offered by the University`s graduate program in pastoral ministries. Scholarships are available. There also are five different two-day workshops in June and July. For more information, call 408/554-4831, or see www.scu.edu/pm/degrees/summer.html.
About Santa Clara University
Santa Clara University, a comprehensive Jesuit, Catholic university located in California`s Silicon Valley, offers its 7,400 students rigorous undergraduate curricula in arts and sciences, business, and engineering, plus master`s and law degrees. Distinguished nationally by the third-highest graduation rate among all U.S. master`s universities, California`s oldest higher-education institution demonstrates faith-inspired values of ethics and social justice.
For more information about any of these summer programs, call Barry Holtzclaw at 408/554-5126, e-mail [email protected].