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WeComply Offers Online ``Code of Conduct`` Training to Help Businesses Promote Corporate Responsibility

Tuesday, July 9, 2002 12:00 AM
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NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Jul 9, 2002--WeComply, Inc., a leading provider of online training for corporate employees, announces the release of its ''Code of Conduct Training'' program - a customizable online training program designed to help companies reinforce the principles of ethical business conduct among their employees.

With business ethics squarely in the spotlight, companies need to ensure that their employees understand the dire legal and public-relations consequences of improper and unethical behavior. WeComply`s training program takes a company`s Code of Conduct out of the employees` bottom desk drawers and makes it a practical reference point for the issues that they confront every day.

''Consumer, investor, and government confidence in Corporate America is at an all-time low,'' said David Simon, WeComply`s founder and president. ''Restoring corporate credibility takes more than simply handing out written standards of ethical business conduct to employees on their first day of work,'' he said. ''It requires bringing those standards to life as a `roadmap` that will help employees navigate the day-to-day legal and ethical challenges that arise in the workplace.''

WeComply`s training program teaches employees about preventing workplace discrimination and harassment, responsible use of company e-mail and Internet access, proper retention and destruction of company records, avoiding insider trading, and dozens of other important business-ethics topics - all in one interactive training tool. Packed with real-world news headlines, references to corporate policies, and interactive games and pop quizzes, the program serves as both a risk-management tool and a reference that employees may return to whenever and as often as they need to.

The program is 100% customizable, meaning that a company can adapt the text and quiz content to its own Code of Conduct and company-specific needs quickly and easily at no additional charge. Powerful administration tools enable company representatives to track employee usage and comprehension, send automatic e-mail reminders to recalcitrant employees, and export usage data to the company`s human resources or other database as needed.

The program is designed to take employees less than an hour to complete and is available at any time from any computer with a web browser and an Internet connection; no special hardware or software is needed. The program is AICC- and SCORM-compliant and will ''plug and play'' with all of the leading Learning Management Systems.

About WeComply, Inc.

WeComply offers online compliance training programs on a wide range of law-related topics written and edited by practicing lawyers and academics. WeComply is the American Corporate Counsel Association`s ''alliance partner'' for online compliance training, and its training programs are in use by numerous large and small companies worldwide. More information about WeComply and its offerings is available at

Source: WeComply

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