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Business is Personal!

Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:00 AM
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Richard Rosen, AlloyRed CEO, Gives Advice and Perspective for MBA Grads

PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Jun 19, 2003--We`ve seen the creation of the global workforce, which began with the exportation of labor and manufacturing jobs and has now developed into the current trend...the exportation of high technology, knowledge based work.

In today`s challenging global business environment, don`t kid yourself. Business is PERSONAL. At a recent speech to MBA grads, AlloyRed CEO, Richard Rosen calls for passion, integrity, vision and a new personal approach to business.

Rosen believes that the new business model is all about personal risk and responsibility. ``You`re faced with a choice. You can either go along with the status quo and muddle through because, gee folks, that`s just the way it is, can create your own road. You can be entrepreneurial. You can create something on your own or bring that entrepreneurial spirit to an existing corporate structure that embraces change. Don`t settle for less.``

-- Find your passion
-- Be the new generation of leadership
-- Challenge yourself

Richard Rosen presented Business Is Personal on Friday, June 13, 2003, to the University of Oregon`s MBA graduating class of 2003. You can find his entire speech on the AlloyRed web site

Vision & Viewpoints:

Rosen encourages us from his own experience of a ``guy who is changing the model for marketing and advertising`` to find our passion and change direction. Technology should be the backbone, rather than the touch point for dialogue with customers. We all want honesty, integrity and clarity. Rosen`s advice to the 2003 MBA graduates - ``Take up the challenge! Create the new world. Lead us into the future!`` All this, coming from ``a guy in Portland, Oregon`` who is betting his future on ``interacting`` with his customers.

You can find his entire speech and learn more about Rosen`s thought-provoking viewpoints on the AlloyRed web site at

About Richard Rosen

Richard Rosen is driving the new face of marketing and advertising, and changing the way business takes place. ``Building Brand through Demand,`` Rosen has fused business school analytics with creative advertising messaging to draw in customers no matter where they are in the sales cycle. The result - building brand and demand 3 to 10 times faster than other methods.

About AlloyRed

AlloyRed is the award-winning creative solutions agency that drives brand interaction and increases sales for clients by merging strategic marketing and advertising with targeted response communications. AlloyRed`s proprietary model is a proven approach that has generated prized work for a diverse range of clients, including GE Capital, MetLife, Dell, Rand McNally, Primavera Systems, Lucent and many other companies representing varying stages of a business, from start-ups to high-growth and mature Fortune 1000 enterprises. For more information, visit

Source: AlloyRed

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