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Yahoo! HotJobs 2004 College Survey Shows College Seniors Confident About Post-Graduation Job Prospects

Monday, April 19, 2004 9:00 AM
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Career Expert Shares Successful Job Search Tips for Students with Tight Budgets

NEW YORK--(COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--Apr 19, 2004--Finding that dream job can be quite an investment � of both time and money � especially for graduating college students who are taking their first steps into the professional world. Based on its recent survey of more than 600 college seniors, Yahoo! HotJobs discovered soon-to-be graduates are optimistic about finding a job this year. Over half of them (53 percent) have not started looking for permanent employment, while at the same time, over one-third (34 percent) are confident that they will find a job within three months. About 18 percent of respondents are ready to start their job search this Spring, while 42 percent are still not sure when they will start looking for a job.

To help them get a jump start on their job search in this year�s competitive market, Yahoo! HotJobs� Career Expert and Columnist, Erin Hovanec, offers the following tips for budget-conscious students seeking their first jobs:

1. Why Buy When You Can Borrow? � The first step to a successful low budget job search is to renew and utilize your library card. Today`s libraries are multimedia information centers with everything you need for your job search: computers, copiers, printers and, of course, books! Most libraries offer well-stocked career sections. Be sure to check out the reference section where you can find lists of recruiters and company profiles.

2. Pay as You Go at Internet Cafes � Don`t rush out to buy reams of heavy bond paper and books of stamps. You can conduct your job search almost entirely online. If you don`t have a computer with Internet access at home or at your local library, try a copy center or Internet cafe. They`ll let you access the Web for a reasonable fee, usually based on how much time you spend online.

3. Maximize Your Time Online � Time is money, so before you log on, make a list of things you want to accomplish. Yahoo! HotJobs suggests that you do the following:
* write your resume in advance;
* develop a list of keywords to use when searching for jobs;
* bring a list of companies you want to research.
Last, you`ll need an email account to correspond with recruiters and hiring managers. Some Web sites like Yahoo! ( allow you to create an account for free and offer extra storage options to organize your correspondence. Just remember that this email account is for professional use, so stay away from cutesy usernames.

4. Small Splurge, Big Benefit � One of the toughest parts of job searching on a low budget is knowing how best to spend your money. Yahoo! HotJobs suggests these few items you SHOULD spend money on:
* Voicemail � You don`t want to miss calls or messages from recruiters.
* Thank-you notes � Thank-you notes are a must after any interview over the phone or in person.
* A portfolio � A portfolio or notepad holder makes a better impression that an old manila file folder.
* Business cards � Many copy centers can create low-cost cards. List all your contact information on the card, including your full name, job title or field, address, phone number and email address.

5. Frugal Interview Fashion �You can look like a million bucks for your job interviews, but spend far less for that.
* Purchase one simple interview suit in a basic color, like black, gray or navy. Wear it to multiple interviews at a company by simply changing the color of your shirt or blouse, tie or accessories.
* If you can`t find a suit at a reasonable price or on sale, try a consignment or thrift shop.
* If you`re on an extremely tight budget, you can also contact local charities that accept donated clothing. They may be able to give you a suit for free or direct you to a place where you can get one, shttps://Dress for Success (, which collects and distributes professional attire for low-income women. Women receive one suit for interviewing and a second suit when they get the job.

Source: Yahoo! HotJobs

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