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Executives from AMO, Broadcom, Boeing, Toyota and Others to Speak at UC Irvine`s California: Prosperity Through Technology Symposium; Two-Day Event to Address Convergence Trends in Engineering Fueling California`s Economic Growth

Thursday, May 5, 2005 11:00 AM
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IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE via COLLEGIATE PRESSWIRE)--May 5, 2005--Key executives from Advanced Medical Optics, Broadcom, Boeing, Extend Fertility, Impinj, Mindspeed Technologies, Northrop Grumman, Printronix and Toyota will join academic and government experts at UC Irvine`s fourth annual California: Prosperity Through Technology industry research symposium. Symposium speakers will address vital areas of convergence essential to the prosperity of California and the nation: energy, aerospace, biomedical engineering and communications technology.

The symposium will be held on May 23 and 24, 2005, at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies, in Irvine, Calif.

''We are extremely pleased with the lineup of distinguished speakers for this year`s symposium,'' said Nicolaos G. Alexopoulos, Dean of The Henry Samueli School of Engineering. ''Attendees at this memorable event will be exposed to a combination of industry-leading experts and faculty researchers at the top of their fields.''

The two-day event will be highlighted by sessions addressing current trends in engineering convergence. Sessions include:

-- The Evolution of Alternative Power Systems

-- New Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering

-- Pre-Cursors for the Next Wave in Communications

-- Pervasive Communications: All the Time, Everywhere

-- The Convergence of Medicine and Science: Biomedical Engineering

-- Materials: The Building Blocks

-- Emerging Technologies: RFID

-- Innovation: America`s Competitive Edge

Featured Symposium Speakers

The California: Prosperity Through Technology symposium will feature keynote speakers from across industry and government who are shaping the future of engineering, including:

-- Advanced Medical Optics -- James V. Mazzo, CEO

-- Army Research Laboratory -- C.I. ''Jim'' Chang, Deputy Director for Basic Science

-- Boeing Phantom Works -- David Whelan, Vice President

-- Broadcom Corp. -- Scott A. McGregor, President and CEO

-- Extend Fertility, Inc. -- Christina Carlisle Jones, Founder and CEO

-- Impinj Inc. -- Vinay Gokhale, Vice President

-- Mindspeed Technologies, Inc. -- Raouf Y. Halim, CEO

-- National Institute of Standards and Technology -- Eric J. Amis, Division Chief, Polymers Division

-- Northrop Grumman Corp. -- Albert F. Myers, Corporate Vice President

-- Printronix -- Bob Kleist, President and CEO

-- Toyota Motor Sales, USA -- James E. Press, Executive Vice President

Additionally, the symposium will include a panel session addressing ways in which American companies can stay competitive in a global economy, moderated by Linda P. Katehi, Dean of the College of Engineering at Purdue University. Panelists for the ''Innovation: America`s Competitive Edge'' session will include:

-- Broadcom Corp. -- Henry Samueli, Co-founder, Chairman of the Board and CTO

-- National Academy of Engineering -- Norman L. Fortenberry, Director of the Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on Engineering Education

-- National Science Foundation -- A. James Hicks, Program Director for Education and Human Resources

-- University of California -- Michael Aldaco, Assistant Vice President for Student Development and Academic Services

-- UC Irvine -- Amelia Regan, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Computer Science, The Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Awards Banquet

''Each year the Samueli School presents a number of distinguished awards to honored faculty and industry leaders,'' said Alexopoulos. ''It is my pleasure to announce that Dr. Henry T. Nicholas, III, Co-founder and former CEO of Broadcom Corp., is the recipient of the UC Irvine `2005 Engineering the Future Award`. Dr. Nicholas` pioneering efforts in pervasive communications, along with his drive to accelerate the development of future technologies, have earned him this notable award.''

To view the complete conference program and register online, please visit The cost to attend is $100 per day; $50 for the banquet on May 23. Cost Includes continental breakfast, coffee breaks, lunch and parking. Seating is limited so please register early. Open to the public.

About The Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Founded in 1965, The Henry Samueli School of Engineering is one of the nation`s fastest growing engineering schools, attracting talented engineering faculty and students from across the nation and abroad. The School consists of five departments: biomedical engineering, chemical engineering and materials science, civil and environmental engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, and mechanical and aerospace engineering. The school is home to numerous research centers, including the Integrated Nanosystems Research
Facility, the National Fuel Cell Research Center, the Center for Embedded Computer System, and the Center for Pervasive Communications and Computing. Additionally, it is a major participant in the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, Calit2. Further, more than a third of the School`s 95 faculty members are fellows in professional societies and seven have been elected into the National Academy of Engineering. For more information, please visit

Source: The Henry Samueli School of Engineering

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